Do you have a telegram, birthday or anniversary message from the queen? We make custom made frames for the card you get from the queen. We can frame the card, the special embossed envelope of the card it comes in and the photo of the queen. Each frame is custom made with frame of your choice, Perspex front, MDF backing, fixtures and fitting to hang on the wall.

The message from the queen is usually sent to people in the following formality:

Three weeks before their birthday or anniversary date. You can get the card from the queen to celebrate your 100th or 105th birthday.

Also For couple’s anniversary: 

60th Diamond  


70th Platinum

To get a telegram card from the queen you have to be a British citizen. This tradition started from Anniversaries office in Buckingham palace in 1917. Each year the queen family give out over 54,000 cards each year and in the last 10 years this has doubled.

The oldest person ever to get a card from the queen was 115 years old. The Queen mother in 2000 got a card from her daughter Queen Elizabeth II.

Queen Elizabeth ll has sent over millions of these birthday and wedding anniversary cards to all these lucky people who celebrate these special years.

Our frames are made custom made to fit these special sizes, all you need to do it add the anniversary and birthday cards and rest into the frame and present to your loved one.
